What gives me the right to...?
How do I deserve to...?
Fill in the blanks.
Have these types of questions led to far too many sticking points along the way?
me too...
The Prodigal Son
For those whom would like a refresher see Luke 15:11-32.
Do you share the indignence felt by the son who stayed home
and honored the father, yet was not treated with the same enthusiasm as his brother by the
After all the other guy screwed up!
Do you also share in the understanding of the enthusiasm and
love that the prodigal son is welcomed home too?
Wow, what a blessing!
Consider this.
We are NEVER the deserving son at the side of the Father.
The entitled perspective is not of God.
That perspective should be foreign to us as a way of living.
The Father emphatically makes this even more clear "He said to him, ‘My son, you are here with me always; everything I have is yours." (Luke 15:31).
It just is.
That perspective should be foreign to us as a way of living.
The Father emphatically makes this even more clear "He said to him, ‘My son, you are here with me always; everything I have is yours." (Luke 15:31).
It just is.
We are ALWAYS that Prodigal son.
Here is where Jesus is asking us to live. Always welcome home from that last journey…
God knows that His perfect Love is attainable on the journey
of the next right step.
Always joyfully follow the prodigal son home. It is who we are meant to be in the story.
The Daily Workers
For those who would like a refresher see Matthew 20:1-16.
So, I worked 12 hours and you worked 1 hour doing the exact same
thing and we got paid the same wage?
In this day and age it is easy how to see how we would not
be going back to work for that boss. Or
at least not without a better understanding of his pay system.
Uh, don’t know how this could ever be fair?
Again we are being asked to
live from the place where unfairness is irrelevant.
We can NEVER come from the perspective of the laborer who
did not get treated fairly by God.
His promise is consistent and equal and cannot be merited or earned by a seemingly greater worldy effort.
We are missing from this story.
We are the laborers who arrived as the job opened, worked for God till the sunset, and then gratefully rejoiced in His reward!
We are missing from this story.
We are the laborers who arrived as the job opened, worked for God till the sunset, and then gratefully rejoiced in His reward!
Humble service to God, just for the sake of Him is His greatest gift.
"Thus, the last will be first, and the first will be last." (Matthew 20:16)
The last are the ones with Christ!
"Thus, the last will be first, and the first will be last." (Matthew 20:16)
The last are the ones with Christ!
We pray to humble ourselves such that we ALWAYS come from the perspective that God will provide for all that we need by Him.
We also pray to understand that such as our life is a gift from Him, we live to return that very gift by following the map of Christ.
If we are living for the gifts of the world, then there will always be a measure for our success.
If we are living in the gifts of the Holy Spirit, then our success
will be beyond measure.
Lord, in your ever loving Spirit may we all meet…
The reality is that we are all worthy of living as Christ has taught us.
The reality is that we are all worthy of living as Christ has taught us.