I have given you my heart.
I endeavor to give you my mind, and yet my thoughts betray me at times.
In Colossians 2:8 we are reminded.
"See to it that no one captivate you with an empty, seductive philosophy according to the tradition of men, according to the elemental powers of the world and not according to Christ."
Having been raised as a self-reliant man of this world, too often I struggle to let go of what this world has "taught" me (about what is most important, about what I can “and should” control).
Too often I lose sight of your presence. Not because you are hiding, but because I am searching for an answer that conforms to the ways of this world. As we are so often reminded, you are in this world, yet not of this world. So too must my time be spent.
And so today;
I vow to deepen the gift of my heart,
I pray for your constant voice in my thoughts and,
I humbly ask for the grace to spend ALL of my time in your spirit.
I know I will fail. I also know that failure deepens my conviction in truth.
Success is joy!
Joy is everlasting life.
Joy is not of this world.
Joy is your presence.
Your presence is available right now.
Now is the time for life.
Time is the essence of Life.
Life is walking in His Light!
And so our walk continues…
Monday, October 7, 2013
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Feeling Alive
Who am I without God?
That is where this World wants us to be.
Who am I with God?
So I am left with only Him to fill me.
In Him is life.
When we exit this life, we return to our God.
We bring nothing with us, and are 100% dependent upon our relationship with the Father.
Somewhere between the alpha and the omega, we lose our way.
HE is here right now!
The joy of that realization is beyond my ability to define! The struggle to surrender is defining life's new and only purpose.
Lord, please help us choose nothing but the love that you so mercifully desire for our way of life.
Not for everything that the world has to offer, but for the eternal life that you have already given through Christ our Lord, amen
That is where this World wants us to be.
Who am I with God?
So I am left with only Him to fill me.
In Him is life.
The Alpha and the Omega. The beginning and the end.
We are created in this life by the Love and will of our God.
We bring nothing with us, and are 100% dependent upon the love of others.
We are created in this life by the Love and will of our God.
We bring nothing with us, and are 100% dependent upon the love of others.
When we exit this life, we return to our God.
We bring nothing with us, and are 100% dependent upon our relationship with the Father.
Somewhere between the alpha and the omega, we lose our way.
No matter who we are, what we believe or what we have done, we will never exist beyond the beginning and the end. That is a guarantee established by the very meaning of those words.
Since God is the beginning and the end, He must also always exist in the middle, which is also where we spend our time on this earth.
So the journey to Him, is really about remaining with Him. As we mature in faith the distance may seem to grow, as we realize just how beautiful our lives would be with complete surrender.
Since God is the beginning and the end, He must also always exist in the middle, which is also where we spend our time on this earth.
So the journey to Him, is really about remaining with Him. As we mature in faith the distance may seem to grow, as we realize just how beautiful our lives would be with complete surrender.
HE is here right now!
The joy of that realization is beyond my ability to define! The struggle to surrender is defining life's new and only purpose.
Lord, please help us choose nothing but the love that you so mercifully desire for our way of life.
Not for everything that the world has to offer, but for the eternal life that you have already given through Christ our Lord, amen
Thursday, June 27, 2013
These following words may have multiple interpretations (dependent upon context).
the result or achievement
toward which effort is directed.Fate:
that which is inevitably predetermined.
effective force, potency or
cogency (the quality or state of being convincing or persuasive)
humbly patient or docile
not proud or arrogant,
courteously respectful
full trust, belief in the
power, trustworthiness or reliability of a certain person or thing
a state of great splendor,
magnificence, joyfulness, gratification, contentment, etc.
In this context, there is a
common theme. It is all about our
relationship with God.
Are there contradictions?
Seemingly yes.
Strong and Meek...ok?
Humble and
How about Fearful and Joyous?
Or, Peaceful and Searching?
From a worldly and perhaps
logical perspective, it would seem that as I travel the path to fulfillment,
only those things that bring positive connotations are goal worthy.
From a spiritual and perhaps
intuitive perspective, especially when realizing there is a greater power at
work than I, only those things that give homage to my God are goal worthy.
So how do we decide?
We don’t!
The decision was made for us
in the beginning. The choice is glory
to God, and in that place ALL goals, feelings, states and manners of existence
are met.
How do we know? Because when we are truly in that place…the
search is over.
In the timeless presence of
God, we need nothing else. Everything is
provided for. The attributes that we so
diligently pursued in Life become who we are, and no longer what we aspire to
be (or avoid being). When we have abandoned ourselves and are completely living in God's will, then we are the personification of all that God has called us to be.
It is a oneness and
completeness that really cannot be defined.
Why do we have such a hard
time getting there?
Because our understanding of
Him is limited by our ability to somehow characterize Him, or define all that He is.
How can we possibly describe in words, an infinite love in complete
I can experience a fullness of
Him deep inside me, and yet also know to beyond my very core that I am still only
scratching the surface of His meaning.
The ultimate goal is to
follow what God has lovingly rooted into your very being.
As I have recently learned,
nothing will silence that desire.
Anything contrary to my
heart leads to a life in this world filled with everything that God isn’t!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013
To Practice What We Know
This poem was given to me a couple years back...
Until I tried, what was it like?
I saw a show about driving a car,
Until I tried I got not far.
I watched an athlete run with a ball
After years of practice he did not fall.
I now read of Christ and what do I see
A man who is creating a path for me.
Not just to study, nor sit back and admire.
But to follow to God is where I aspire.
We don't just recline and marvel His way,
We are called to begin the journey today.
For now is the time for undying love,
Our Father is waiting in heaven above.
Jesus has shown us the depth with the gift of
True love is a victim that must be pursued.
He gave all He had while with us on earth.
The joy of His journey started with birth.
Each new day is a rebirth for us in Him,
To let His Holy Spirit cleanse us from sin.
Because He always knew how His travels
would end,
And not a soul on earth, neither foe nor
Could keep Him from returning the love of
His Father,
And in His life, that is all that mattered.
Seek and you shall find are words to live
But your eyes must be focused on our Father
on high.
For the world is not worthy of seeking in
With our Father, is where our good Jesus
With thanksgiving and love these words are
And with humble hearts, our souls are
I offer to God, my deepest desires
And I offer to you, where my heart aspires.
To just read the book is as much a shame,
As just sitting back and watching the game.
We have lives to live in the way of the
And with you my brothers is its own reward.
Thank the heavens above for God's presence
on earth,
Let us begin each day, as our Christ did
from birth.
May this sharing be simple and easy to see,
God's greatest gift is love…for eternity.
May we practice what we know, and do as He says,
And His love eternal will follow all of our days.
In the most holy names of the Father, and
of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
Love Simplified
Another short reflection that recently came to me...
Expect nothing
Expect nothing
Accept everything
This is the path of Love
Avoid judgment
Deliver justice
This is the way of Love
Spread His joy
This is the gift of Love
Wisely study
Practice faith
This is the meaning of Love
Live obediently
Honor scripture
This is the document of Love
Seek truth
Prayerfully question
This is the reality of Love
Always remember
Forever rejoice
This is the God of Love
In the name of the Father
and the Son and the Holy Spirit,
Thursday, June 6, 2013
Why Me?
Ever ask yourself the question..."Why
It is very self-centered and
worldly question that I would imagine we have all asked at some point in our
“Why me?” is a searching
question that very often may be accompanied by sadness, anger, or some other emotion that brings us down.
Or perhaps put in another way, the question comes from a place of reaching out towards trying to fill a void within us.
My experience has been receiving a response of silence that offers no solace, and indeed continues the mis-guided focus of, “Why am I being put through this particular life experience?”
Eventually, and sometimes over considerable time, the pity party subsides. However, there is usually a void left within that needs to be filled. Usually in my weakness, it is filled with self-doubt, fear and lack of faith in things greater than me.
In a nutshell, my still searching question
“Why did I feel abandoned when I needed God most?”
What if we ask a slightly
different (if not much better) question than “why me?”
How about…
Why not God?
For me, this recently
triggered a much different response to my soul searching. It reminded me that I was not given life on
this planet so everything (or anything for that matter) would go my way.
We are born (as Christ was)
to give everything to God. We have the
perfect model. The Holy Trinity does not
separate the Father from the Son nor the Holy Spirit. He creates a unity of purpose that can truly
be found whenever we search for Him.
Yes, Christ died for us. But let’s
not stop there.
He participated in the very
life that we are called to.
In His humanity, Christ
agonized about His calling (Luke 22:39-44), “praying so fervently that his
sweat became like drops of blood falling on the ground”. And that led Him to the cross.
God himself died for us...to literally teach us how to love as He does.
God himself died for us...to literally teach us how to love as He does.
In a nutshell, my still
searching question becomes,
“Why did I feel abandoned when I needed God most?”
In a nutshell, His answer
“So you would find me deeper in you than you have ever looked.”
In Christ our Lord, Amen.
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
The Opposite of Everything
Excerpts from the mass readings this week from the Gospel of Mark.
Mark 9: verse 24; Then the boy’s father cried out, “I do believe, help my unbelief!”
Mark 9: verse 35; Then He sat down, called the Twelve, and said to them, “If anyone wishes to be first, he shall be the last of all and the servant of all.”
Mark 9: verse 39;
Jesus replied, “Do not prevent him. There is no one who performs a mighty deed in my name who can at the same time speak ill of me. For whoever is not against us is for us.”
Our entire story begins with light from darkness.
For most of us, every single one of our senses can experience the ultimate extreme on both ends of the spectrum. Our cognitive ability, our reasoning and even our emotions perform to maximum gain when we compare and contrast the differences in and around us.
What events in our lives do we tend to remember the most? The middle of the road stuff that roller coasters us through our daily experiences? Or, the events that bring us to the extremes (physical, emotional or otherwise) of human existence?
The path to God is not about toeing a straight line directly to His heart. The path to God is an extreme experience of His truth, with the understanding that we cannot toe the line without Him.
We can't get to Him without Him! How is that for an opposite? Here we are on a journey to a destination that we need to have within us to pursue. And to make matters even more confusing, the more we desire His presence, the further away we realize we are (which brings us closer).
There is not a roller coaster in the world that can bring us the thrill that comes with trying to live our lives to die for Him. And so the joyous journey continues!
There is a way and His name is Jesus Christ.
We suffer for joy.
We lose to gain.
We live to die.
God our Father, I humbly honor your Spirit with the intention of sharing His gifts with those whom read these words. For this I pray to The Lord. Amen.
Saturday, May 18, 2013
Did You Bring Christ With You Everywhere Today?
About a year ago, the following poem came to me...
I received a gift from God
The Holy Spirit has shown me
the way.
Christ our Lord is risen and
So in our hearts Gods love
will thrive.
The gift is ours, but not
ours to keep.
To share His presence is
what comes from deep.
The ways of the world cannot
What God the Father himself
When Christ our Lord came
into this world,
He did not search for
another pearl.
He showed God is revealed
from deep within.
And to prove His point, He
forgave our sin.
So as we travel on the
journey today.
Fear not what distractions
come our way.
Know that in us, is the gift
of His life.
And give that presence to
others in strife.
The joy in Christ did not
come from the cross.
He taught us God at every
To know the Trinity as
others before us,
We simply rejoice by singing
a chorus.
The song we sing comes
straight from our heart
The wisdom of Christ is the
most integral part.
Of whom we are and what we
Of how we learn and give and
To receive Christ, is the
most faithful part.
To share Christ is the gift
of His heart.
So next time anything turns
you away,
Dig deep inside, because
there He will stay.
But don't just dig to look
for relief.
Share his presence to others
in grief.
Remember His gift is revealed
to share
And remember that we are His
eternal heir.
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
An Empty Ego
He didn't.
He came to serve a purpose.
His purpose was His life. Literally!
He gave His life to God and all.
Now, how do I think of myself in this world?
Insert 100's of labels here...
Which identifier is the most significant?
Certainly I am now more of a father and husband than a surfer, for example.
At some point my life will be given up.
It is inevitable.
It is a reality.
Unchanging Truth.
Christ did not teach us how to live.
He taught us how to die!
He taught us how to exist, such that love is the only thing that matters.
To truly walk that walk, we must leave ourselves behind.
Have you ever noticed what happens when you are living any moment based on the love of others?
Not from the self serving notion of "what is in it for me?"...
but from the perspective of what can I offer this moment that is totally free of any restrictions.
Your Ego disappears.
In a loving moment, is it possible that the absence of self is the presence of God?
For what motivates the self sacrifice?
The trust that someone may treat me the same when I need it? Perhaps. Some may call that FAITH.
The potential for future gain? Perhaps. Some may call that HOPE.
The good feeling given to others? Perhaps. Some may call that LOVE.
God has given us all the ability to see Him in those moments.
We need not look any further.
A universal human truth that no one can deny is that we are all going to die.
Why not start now?
The joy that comes from the Father in His presence, releases us from this world in which we live.
Christ is the eternal messenger of that reality.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Works without Faith is Dead
Check out the Gospel of John 14:12.
In the second part of that verse Jesus teaches us, "Amen, amen, I say to you, whoever believes in me shall also do the works that I do. And greater things than these shall he do, for I go to the Father".
I have spent the a good portion of my "free" time over the last few days serving our church. My reasons for helping can be summarized briefly by sharing that I was responding to the love of God in my life. His love for me that is.
Of all that I was asked to participate and help in, I can truthfully say that events would have worked out fine whether or not I was present. In fact, I may have even been inclined to question why anyone would bother to invite my assistance when others clearly had it under control.
However, what kept me focused was the reality that I was present to serve The Lord through my brothers and sisters. My interpretation of the circumstance was (and continues to be) irrelevant.
Knowing inside that I was present only as a witness to His love for us comforted me as only He can!
Towards the end of the endeavors, I was left with cleaning up after others. I was fine with taking care of what I been called to do, but getting left with this mess to straighten up was not how this tired man envisioned the day ending. So, in my state of self preservation and righteousness, I reached out to those whom had failed to close the loop on their commitments and lightly admonished them for the obvious oversights. I really felt as though I was being taken advantage of, so I pushed them to take care of the mess.
Perhaps not soon enough, and yet with perfect timing and realization of the moment to grow.
I just shared I was present to offer help in response to the love of God.
When the response was my choice, it was easy to go there.
The situation I was placed in was not only not my choice, it also made no sense to me how others could leave things as they did.
So now how do I respond?
Christ has already forgiven them and He knows the truth. I have not a clue as to why things were as they were, so who am I to not do likewise?
Miraculously, these realizations came and I took care of what was "ailing me".
I pray for forgiveness for the moments of weakness that struck.
Brothers and sisters, I also pray that we never limit our acceptance of His love by our understanding of what is happening around us. For He completely loves us even as we deny or try to interpret the meaning of it all.
We cannot merit or earn anything that He has to offer.
What we CAN do is everything in our power to build the relationship with him.
To know Him is to follow in His ways.
For every action there is an equal and opposite re-action.
However, what kept me focused was the reality that I was present to serve The Lord through my brothers and sisters. My interpretation of the circumstance was (and continues to be) irrelevant.
Perhaps not soon enough, and yet with perfect timing and realization of the moment to grow.When the response was my choice, it was easy to go there.
The situation I was placed in was not only not my choice, it also made no sense to me how others could leave things as they did.
So now how do I respond?
I pray for forgiveness for the moments of weakness that struck.
Brothers and sisters, I also pray that we never limit our acceptance of His love by our understanding of what is happening around us. For He completely loves us even as we deny or try to interpret the meaning of it all.
What we CAN do is everything in our power to build the relationship with him.
To know Him is to follow in His ways.
For every action there is an equal and opposite re-action. |
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Lord Jesus Christ Have Mercy on Me, a Sinner
A couple of mornings ago I was reflecting on this desire to share. The joy that followed and the topics to reflect on were virtually overwhelming. My heart was filled with the peace that comes with responding in His will.
This morning, as I was preparing to venture to that place which inspires, I had no clue where to go with this next musing. I remembered what He taught me just a few mornings back, and yet they became whispers.
What changed?
I have sinned. At this point, the details are not relevant. Of course, to share the details would encompass too much of this white space, because I am not talking about a single action. I am talking about daily choices. Big picture remains as "God is first". Little snapshots remind me that I (dare I change that to "we"), are all sinners. It has been that way from the start, and we have God to thank.
From the very beginning, scripture teaches us of what God has in store for us. We also learn of evil that distracts us from His will. Our very life starts as God created life in the beginning. We have everything we need in Him. And yet we have choices to make, and every single one of us fail.
Thank God! He knew we would. He gave us His Word. He gave us His only Son. He gave us His Spirit. And by His grace and love, we received all that we desire...in the beginning. His beginning is in all of us. There is no other way!
God gives us the freedom and the way back to His creation.
So, on this very morning, as I was preparing to share, my focus somehow shifted to what "I" was going to share. A couple of mornings ago, as I was reflecting on this desire to share, my entire being was tuned into what "He" wanted me to share.
The realization of that simple paradigm shift led me here. We sin by putting our desires before God. Realization of our sinfulness, and acceptance of His most Holy Trinity, will always lead us to a more meaningful relationship in Him.
It has been that way since the beginning.
Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on me, a sinner.
This morning, as I was preparing to venture to that place which inspires, I had no clue where to go with this next musing. I remembered what He taught me just a few mornings back, and yet they became whispers.
What changed?
I have sinned. At this point, the details are not relevant. Of course, to share the details would encompass too much of this white space, because I am not talking about a single action. I am talking about daily choices. Big picture remains as "God is first". Little snapshots remind me that I (dare I change that to "we"), are all sinners. It has been that way from the start, and we have God to thank.
From the very beginning, scripture teaches us of what God has in store for us. We also learn of evil that distracts us from His will. Our very life starts as God created life in the beginning. We have everything we need in Him. And yet we have choices to make, and every single one of us fail.
Thank God! He knew we would. He gave us His Word. He gave us His only Son. He gave us His Spirit. And by His grace and love, we received all that we desire...in the beginning. His beginning is in all of us. There is no other way!
God gives us the freedom and the way back to His creation.
So, on this very morning, as I was preparing to share, my focus somehow shifted to what "I" was going to share. A couple of mornings ago, as I was reflecting on this desire to share, my entire being was tuned into what "He" wanted me to share.
The realization of that simple paradigm shift led me here. We sin by putting our desires before God. Realization of our sinfulness, and acceptance of His most Holy Trinity, will always lead us to a more meaningful relationship in Him.
It has been that way since the beginning.
Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on me, a sinner.
Saturday, May 4, 2013
In the Beginning
The desire to share is growing.
Living life within the will of God is the only thing that makes sense anymore. Of course, the immediate question is, "How do I discern that will?" Scripture absolutely reveals all we need to know to answer that question. Simple Enough.
Or is it?
The challenge with anything human, is that we tend to spin things to our reality (based upon what has led us to each present moment). Our experiences lead us to and through thought processes. Our intelligence can create a finite experience of this life.
Our journey is filled with these apparent contradictions. And yet, we begin to understand the truth at the core of these gifts.
The will of God is our loving presence in Him for eternity.
Let's face it. There are countless ways to express His will, our role and how the two shall meet. So, let's not squabble about the accuracy of expression nor the semantic structure.
Our Father offers/wills eternal life for us.
He offers the map, provides the compass and shines a light for us to follow. In this moment, I am called to share a look From the Inside Out of how I am traveling along that path.
His Peace be with You.
Living life within the will of God is the only thing that makes sense anymore. Of course, the immediate question is, "How do I discern that will?" Scripture absolutely reveals all we need to know to answer that question. Simple Enough.
Or is it?
The challenge with anything human, is that we tend to spin things to our reality (based upon what has led us to each present moment). Our experiences lead us to and through thought processes. Our intelligence can create a finite experience of this life.
Our journey is filled with these apparent contradictions. And yet, we begin to understand the truth at the core of these gifts.
The will of God is our loving presence in Him for eternity.
Let's face it. There are countless ways to express His will, our role and how the two shall meet. So, let's not squabble about the accuracy of expression nor the semantic structure.
Our Father offers/wills eternal life for us.
He offers the map, provides the compass and shines a light for us to follow. In this moment, I am called to share a look From the Inside Out of how I am traveling along that path.
His Peace be with You.
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