Wednesday, June 25, 2014


It has been quite a while since I have responded to the desire to share.  This response is in honor of those brothers in Christ who share this calling.  May He provide that which we dutifully seek.


John 21:20-22
"Peter turned and saw the disciple whom Jesus loved following them, the one who also had leaned back against him during the supper and had said, “Lord, who is it that is going to betray you?”
When Peter saw him, he said to Jesus, “Lord, what about this man?”
Jesus said to him, “If it is my will that he remain until I come, what is that to you? You follow me!”"

No matter what occurs in our lives.  No matter how anyone else responds to any given situation, whether we feel (or for that matter know) it is right or wrong.  We have but one correct choice.  Follow Christ!

I have always been a results driven man.  If I do my part, then my expectation is typically fulfilled by the realization of the outcome.  This is a powerful tool for most things of this world.  It can be a huge liability when committed to a life in Christ.

Titus 1:2
“in hope of eternal life, which God, who never lies, promised before the ages began”

A life in Christ is synonymous to living in eternity today.  This means that all we do must be rooted in pursuit of what is to come (which reaches far beyond our senses).  Not just in the immediate results of our actions, but in the final meaning of our lives. 

Our personal interpretations of victories and defeats are as meaningless as our attempts to define God.  Our Creator manifests the eternal outcome and our commitment to Him is our only real choice.

So finally for me, the greatest choice has been made.  My previous reluctance to fully be the man our Father has created is my greatest obstacle to the faith.  Although it is a faith which I proclaim to desire from the depths of my soul, I have been seeking immediate results, in lieu of the eternal reward that awaits.

These are my prayers.  
"Lord change me."
"Lord heal me."
"Lord, please enable my walk to freely pursue your eminence."

In this moment I hear the words, "It is done."

Yes, it is done.  It is done now as I realize.  It remains done for eternity.
What prevents continuing realization (and acceptance) is my own inability to trust His desire for me.

Not just the worldly acceptable parts of me (which I kinda like to).  But He desires, (even more so I would imagine), for me to offer up those "flaws" that neither the world, nor I, care to acknowledge.  These sins were born with me (with all of us).

He created us.

To love him fully is to accept His creation.
To enrich His gift of my life, is to give every part of me back to Him.
Not just in word or deed, but truly in heart.
In my sinfulness, I find His loving call back.
In my weakness, I seek His power.
In my worry, I seek His wisdom.

And in my doubt, I seek His eternal promise of coming home.

That is the only choice that matters…
